RT @redeyechicago: Have bmercy/b! Uncle Jesse (or John Stamos, if you must) is on Twitter. http://su.pr/2xdg2q 07/14/09 07:41pm. en : Ok so much to do..What should I do next? Wait for Sam to go workout, get my eyebrows threaded, b....../b en : @ musicjess I know, it must be cause I play bbass/b and not drums or guitar in the band 07/13/09 08:55pm. en : If you purchase your electronics from www.dacost.com or join the Buzzirk phone biz at www.buzzirkmobilelife.com you will help my ...
Bass Kleph (Helium, Vacation Records) Axe Aklins (Live) (The ones in bold are the ones I would pay to see, I'm extremely keen to see the Stafford Bros, my favourite Australian DJ duo, and Axe Aklins ('Belconnens favourite son',(I lived ...